Susa Detox Body Scrub by purebysafiyyahosman

Assalamualaikum :)

Produk purebysafiyyahosman adalah satu-satunya produk homemade yang akan detox badan sekali semasa menggunakan body scrub dan foot soak. 

Purebysafiyyahosman adalah 100% buatan tangan,semulajadi dan bebas dari bahan kimia,pewarna tiruan,pewangi tiruan,sulfat,paraben dan bahan pengawet kimia. 

Susa Detox Body Scrub. Terdapat dalam 3jenis perisa. 
-Chamomile Me. 
-Citrus honey. 
-Choco Honey. 

Chamomile Me sesuai untuk orang yang badan selalu stress dan letih. 

Citrus honey sesuai untuk orang yang mempunyai masalah kulit gelap,berparut dan tona tidak sekata. 

Choco Honey sesuai untuk orang yang kulit tua dari usia,kulit kering dan bersisik. Basic ingredient Susa Detox Body Scrub adalah : Susa Detox blend(secret recipe), Pure grape oil,Pure olive oil,Pure honey.

Susa Detox Blend - merupakan agen pengelupasan semula jadi; sumber semula jadi asid Glycolic yang mengimbangkan warna kulit , membersihkan pori-pori, dan memperbaiki tekstur kulit secara keseluruhan dengan mengeluarkan yang mati, sel-sel kulit kusam.

Minyak Zaitun - tinggi dengan vitamin E, yang melegakan dan menyembuhkan kulit; bahan pelembap semula jadi yang sering digunakan untuk manfaat anti- penuaan.

Madu - Satu sumber semula jadi anti -oksidan menjadikannya bahan yang sempurna untuk mencegah penuaam dan kedutan,berfungsi sebagai pelembap semula jadi dan mengekalkan kulit yang terhidrat dan bersifat anti-bakteria. 

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Instagram : @purebysafiyyahosman 

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Facebook page : @purebysafiyyahosman 


Instagram : @safiyyahosmann & @purebysafiyyahosman

Red Velvet Cupcakes

Assalamualaikum. Hai morning monday! 😅
Harini nak share sikit resepi red velvet cupcakes umm yummy tummy sebut pun dah terliur bak hang.
So taknak buang masa mengkerah tenaga bebel yang bukan bukan, here we go!

1 1/4 cups (125 grams) tepung kek

1/4 teaspoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon garam

1 tablespoons (10 grams) cocoa powder

1/4 cup (57 grams) butter

3/4 cups (150 grams) gula castor

1 biji telur

1/2 teaspoon vanila

1/2 cup (120 ml) buttermilk

1 tablespoon pewarna merah cecair

1/2 teaspoon cuka

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

Cream Cheese Frosting:

250 gram cream cheese

1/2 teaspoon vanila

1/2 cup (60 grams) gula icing

2/3 cup (160 ml) cold heavy whipping cream

Cara membuatnya:
  1. Ayak tepung, baking powder, garam dan serbuk koko. Ketepikan.
  2. Pukul butter sehingga gebu.
  3. Masukkan gula dan pukul lagi sehingga sebati dan gebu.
  4. Masukkan telur, sehingga habis dan masukkan vanila.
  5. Setelah  adunan sebati, masukkan tepung dan kacau rata berselang seli dengan buttermik( masukkan pewarna dalam buttermilk)
  6. Dalam satu bekas kecil letakkan soda bicarbonat dan masukkan cuka)
  7. Akhir sekali baru masukkan soda bicarbonat yang telah di campur cuka ke dalam adunan. Kacau rata.
  8. Masukkan dalam acuan.
  9. Bakar sehingga masak.
  10. Sejukkan dahulu sebelum di letakkan frostingnya.
Cream cheese Frosting:

  1. Dengan menggunakan mixer pukul cream cheese sehingga kembang.
  2. Masukkan gula dan pukul lagi sehingga sebati.
  3. Masukkan  whipping cream dan pukul sehingga frosting menjadi kental dan bolehlah di paipkan ke atas kek. Menghasilkan dalam 12 biji kek cawan.

The Avengers

Malam tadi jam 1210 buat gila ajak kawan pergi MBO Galaxy Shopping Centre, Ampang
Hari kerja plak adehdeh so pagi ni aku dah mendap mata duk kuyu ja ni.

Jalan cerita atau plot dia boleh tahan, Marvel kan, siapa tak kenal marvel. Well, Salah sorang dalam avengers tak sah kalau tak buat great sense of humour. Stark, hulk, widow, captain amerika, hawkeye and thor lepastu tetiba plak muncul si vision yang boleh angkat kayu penukul si thor tu ok memang masing masing speechless masa tu

Sebenarnya semua ni berpunca dari tony stark si iron man, dia yang ciptakan robot nih, eh jap nak kata robot tu bukan robot tapi dia macam neuron je aku tengok si ultron ni. Memang superb duh bendaalah ni. Stark cipta ultron superb ni demi nak gantikan iron man. Kononya nak bagi lagi power. Malangnya, si ultron ni lagi bijak dan dia punya pemikiran memang kolot pastu cakap pandai pulak tu ish rasa nak back hand je.

Niat ultron satu je dia pikir, nak musnahkan manusia. Kehadiran ultron ni menyusahkan team avengers. Masalah datang lagi besar bila ultron boleh buat team avengers nak bergaduh, salah kan each other dan  berpecah.

Malas nak cerita lebih, hampa pi tengok sendiri ye. Lagi satu, si widow minat gila dekat hulk. Rasa rasa diorang tangkap cintan ke tak? Tak pandai nak explain.

Nak apply kad mbo? Nah online pon boleh. 
PS(as a physical state): Tunglah kawan dapat buat kad avengers! Aku lupa nak bawak kad la oh men.

"I want her to have a good education and never go hungry." Dad.

Little people who lead simple, but contented lives
Thursday July 7, 2005

Little man Madrazhid Isa can't wait to move into his new home in Sri Rampai Flats, Setapak. Not that he has any complaint about his current home in Pekeliling Flats, but the new place means a bigger space and a new beginning for him and his 10-year-old daughter Nurul Raihah Nadhira.

"City Hall has assured us that the disabled, little people and the visually impaired can move into the new place in the next few months," said Madrazhid. "Everything should be settled by year end."

The special people have been given priority to take up the first five levels of the flats.

"Previously, we had to stay on higher floors," said Madrazhid.

To the disabled people in his neighbourhood, Madrazhid is a leader. His fighting spirit puts him at an advantage when championing their rights. Incidentally, Madrazhid is co-founder of the Malaysian Association of Little People of which he retired as board member not too long ago.

Madrazhid leads a simple, but contented life. His only goal now is to give his daughter a good life. Madrazhid and his wife have been divorced.

He begins his day at 7am when he sends Nurul off to school. Madrazhid then goes to a stall near his home for breakfast before opening his shop where handphones are repaired.

"It is my workshop," he said of his shop, given to him by City Hall in August. Previously he worked from home.

At 10am he goes to a shop next door for tea.

The 43-year-old from Perak tells us his story over the drink.

"I came to Kuala Lumpur in 1975 with RM1 which my mother gave me," he said. "It was quite an amount then. One ringgit could go a long way."

But, Madrazhid did not spend the money. It had sentimental value.

"To this day I still have it. No matter how tough the going gets, I will still not touch it," he said, adding that he needn't need to know that he had made it "big" compared with his kampung days.

Madrazhid joined the theatre in his early days in Kuala Lumpur. Roles in films followed. "But, I was popular as a stage actor," he said.

Finishing his tea, Madrazhid goes back to his shop where several customers are waiting to collect their hand phones. Others have come to drop off old ones that need to be repaired.

At about 11.05am, he journeys on his wheelchair past the busy Pahang roundabout, then down Jalan Pahang before reaching the busy Chow Kit area. Here's where Madrazhid buys the spare parts for the phones.

Madrazhid began using the wheelchair three years ago after an accident while riding pillion on a friend's motorcycle.

Despite the heat and traffic congestion, Madrazhid is at ease on the busy roads. "I have become used to it. I do it about three times a week," he said, adding that he takes the taxi on rainy days.

"Sometimes I may have to go to Low Yat Plaza, and when I do I take the taxi with my daughter," he said. "This way I get to take my daughter out to jalan jalan (see the sights)."

Madrazhid reaches his home on the ground floor at about 1.35pm. It is when Nurul comes home from school. Still in her school uniform, the Year Four pupil revises her lessons with her father.

Madrazhid returns to his shop at 3pm and returns at 7pm to wash up and take Nurul out to dinner. They return an hour later to catch the news on television.

Madrazhid makes time for Nurul to talk about her day in school before she goes to bed. "I want to spend as much time as I can with her," said the doting father.

Madrazhid's love for his daughter is immense. "I even started my business to give my daughter everything a growing girl needs," he said. "I want her to have a good education and never go hungry."

On weekends he closes shop early to take Nurul out to the city in the evening.

Mohd Azrin Sahab is another little person who stays at the Pekeliling Flats. Living with him is his wife Ruzita Ahmad, who is also a little person, and their two-year-old daughter.

Azrin works as a mechanic at a Perodua service centre in Serdang.

He leaves home as early as 7am for his work place.

"I wake up at about 6am everyday," he said. "After my bath and breakfast I leave for work."

On Sundays he wakes up later.

Returning home after work at 5.30pm, Azrin performs his maghrib prayers at his home on the second floor. Finishing his religious obligations, he takes his family out for dinner.

"Usually I reach home at about 7pm every day. If my wife comes back from work at a florist’s shop earlier, she will cook, otherwise we pack dinner or eat out," said the 33-year-old.

Azrin drives to work every day. His car is modified to enable him to reach the pedals below the steering wheel.

His wife goes to work in Kampung Baru by bus and the monorail.

"My routine is the same every day. I go to work, come back from work, take my bath and have dinner," said Azrin. "Then, I stay at home, watch television or help my wife with household chores."

On weekends he has more time with his family.

Azrin also goes bowling when the Malaysian Association of Little People organises tournaments.

Like Madrazhid, Azrin is also preparing for the shift to his new home. But, he is not as keen as Madrazhid.

"Although the new place has three bedrooms, the flat is further from my workplace," he said.

"There aren't any facilities like a hospital or the monorail station. I guess it will take us some time before we adapt to our new environment."